ISRC Finder

How to Use an ISRC Finder for Spotify Code Lookups

Intro to ISRC Code Lookups

ISRC stands for International Standard Recording Code

These International Recording Codes are important for tracking and managing your music. Each ISRC is a unique 12-character code that identifies your music.

This post will break down the importance of these codes and guide you to finding them and using them.


How to Find the ISRC Code of a Song?

Find ISRC code on iTunes

Here's how to find your code across various platforms.


Finding Your International Recording Code On Spotify

Log into Spotify for Artists. Navigate to the 'Music' tab, select a track, and you'll find the ISRC code listed under the track details.


Finding Your ISRC on iTunes or Apple Music

  1. Log in to iTunes Connect: Sign in with your Apple ID and password.
  2. Navigate to My Music: Once logged in, click on "My Music" or navigate to "Resources and Help" and select "My Music" from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select the Album or Song: Find the album or song for which you want to find the ISRC.
  4. View Track Detail:. Click on the album or song to view its details. The ISRC code should be listed among the metadata.
  5. Copy or Note the ISRC.


ISRC Code Lookup for Amazon Music

  1. Log in to Amazon Music for Artists: Sign in with your Amazon account credentials.
  2. Navigate to Your Music: Once logged in, you should see a dashboard with various options. Navigate to the section where you can manage your music catalog or view your releases.
  3. Select the Album or Song: Find the album or song for which you want to find the ISRC.
  4. View Track Details: Click on the album or song to view its details. The ISRC code should be listed among the metadata.
  5. Copy or Note the ISRC


Finding Your ISRC Code for DistroKid

  1. Log in to your DistroKid account: Visit the DistroKid website and log in using your account credentials.
  2. Access your music: Once logged in, you should be directed to your dashboard or music manager. Navigate to the section where your releases are listed.
  3. Select the album or track: Find the album or track for which you want to find the ISRC.
  4. View release details: Click on the album or track to view its details. DistroKid typically provides metadata information including the ISRC code.
  5. Locate the ISRC: Look for the ISRC code among the metadata provided for the release. It should be listed alongside other details such as track title, artist name, and release date.
  6. Copy or note the ISRC



ISRC Registrars

If you're releasing music independently, you might have obtained ISRCs directly from a national ISRC agency. Check your records; these codes are often listed in the paperwork you received upon registration.


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Tools and Resources for ISRC Lookup

isrc lookup

Here are several tools and websites at your disposal, each serving as a beacon in the vast sea of music distribution.

ISRC Database Searches

Many countries have official ISRC databases where you can search for codes. For example, the US ISRC Agency provides a searchable database. It’s like having a map to navigate the origins of any track.


SoundExchange offers a lookup feature for tracks they manage. It’s especially useful for seeing if your music is correctly registered for royalty collection. It’s akin to checking that your studio equipment is properly wired for recording.

Music Platforms

Platforms like Spotify and Apple Music don't offer public ISRC search tools, but they display ISRCs for tracks you have access to as an artist. It’s like having backstage access to your own show, where you can see every detail about your performance.

ISRC Finders

Several third-party websites and services offer ISRC lookup tools. These can be particularly handy for verifying the codes of tracks not directly under your management. It’s like using a tuner to ensure every instrument is pitch-perfect before a gig.


ISRC Search: Step-by-Step Process

Conducting an ISRC search online is akin to tracking down the perfect sample for your track—it requires patience, precision, and the right approach. Here's a step-by-step guide to make your ISRC search as smooth as a well-mixed track.

Step 1: Identify Your Need

First, pinpoint why you need the ISRC. Is it for your own track, or are you verifying another artist's song? This will determine where you start your search.

Step 2: Check Your Distribution Platform

If it's for your own music, log into your distribution platform or artist profile on Spotify, Apple Music, or any platform where your music is live. It's like going through your record collection to find a specific album.

Step 3: Use Official Databases

For a broader search, head to the national ISRC database in the country where the track was released. It’s like flipping through a global atlas to find a specific country.

Step 4: Utilize Third-Party Tools

If the above doesn't yield results, turn to third-party ISRC lookup tools like QRISRC. Input the artist name or track title, and let the tool do the scouting. It's like using a metal detector to find hidden treasure.

Step 5: Record and Verify

Once you find the ISRC, note it down and double-check for accuracy. Ensure it matches across different platforms. It's like cross-referencing your lyrics sheet to ensure every word is correct.

Step 6: Reach Out for Assistance

If you hit a dead end, don't hesitate to contact your distributor or the recording rights organization directly. Sometimes, getting the information you need is as simple as asking for it, much like seeking feedback from a fellow producer on a mix.

Navigating the ISRC search process is an essential skill for any music producer looking to protect and manage their music effectively.


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Where is an ISRC code used?

ISRC codes are necessary to sell your individual tracks via Spotify and other online music distributors. 

They are also required for any songs that you plan to offer for streaming on Spotify and other streaming services.

If you are submitting an audio file for a streaming license, then the ISRC code is your unique ID.

These codes also assist in rights management and copyright issues.

It helps one in identifying exactly who owns the track and what his/her percentage ownership in the track is.


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Concluding our Guide to the ISRC Search

ISRC codes ensure that every stream, download, and play is meticulously tracked, attributing credit and royalties accurately to the rightful owners.

You should now feel comfortable finding and registering these code through a variety of different methods.
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