Benny the Butcher (BSF) presents "Streets Soprano "aka "Mr.Well Alright " Artist and (CEO) of Trust Nobody Music Group.
The first single of 2023, "Better Than Last Year" released Wednesday Jan 18th. This single sets the tone of what's to follow in the upcoming months. Mixed and Mastered by Matthew "BUSCO" Buscarino.
Produced by Austin "Fausto" Fisher. Fausto is Streets Sopranos(BSF) newest producer, alongside Imminent Productions and Matthew (BUSCO) Buscarino.
This is Streets Sopranos and Austin "Fausto" Fishers debut project and what they have to offer as a pair is magical.
Executive Producers
Streets Soprano, Austin "Fausto" Fisher, Benny The Butcher
Mixed By
Austin "Fausto" Fisher
Mastered By
Matthew "Busco" Buscarino
Music Written By
Cornelius "StreetsSoprano" Robinson
Black Soprano Family Records/ NEXT RECORDS LLC